Read recent news and blog posts from our team
Making our moms proud: Reducing Maternal Mortality in Mexico
Despite advances in prenatal and postnatal health care, maternal mortality remains a major medical problem around the world. According to the World Health Organization, 800 women die every day from [...]
Helping Schools with Interventions
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela In today’s world where innovation and creativity are the key drivers of any [...]
Heatmaps for Habitats: Enriching Conservation Sensor Data
Environmental causes typically work to preserve portions of the planet in their pre-human state. But conservation groups are increasingly finding ways of using modern technology to support their mission, allowing [...]
A Hackathon For (But Mostly Against) ‘Evil’
It’s been a busy summer, with all of us working hard on complex and socially meaningful projects. So on a bright and sunny Saturday morning, twenty fellows got together to [...]
DSSG Models Hit The Runway
An essential step for nearly every data science project is to build a statistical model, an algorithm or analysis that converts raw data into predictions, classifications, or other insights. At [...]
Anticipating Back to School Numbers, Before Summer Vacation
In the Chicago Public Schools system, each school's budget depends on how many students enroll there. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to predict how many students will enroll in a [...]
Making Smart Meters Smarter
What's So Smart About a Smart Meter? Smart meters are an integral unit of smart grids, technology hailed as the future of energy management. Replacing standard meters that are read [...]
UChicago Program Trains Data Scientists To Make A Difference
Data Science for Social Good returns for 2014 with 48 fellows, 12 projects Media contact: Rob Mitchum, Sniffing out corruption in World Bank contracts. Predicting where Chicago children are [...]
Warm Calls and Persuadability: Enroll America
Last week, DSSG fellow Peter Landwehr went to one of Enroll America's tabling events at Richton Park, IL, and watched how it went. The event was a standard Enroll America [...]
Clean Development: Data Mining for Corruption Risks
Every year, the World Bank Group lends billions of dollars to fund infrastructure and other development projects around the globe. Projects vary widely in scale and scope, ranging from developing [...]